NHTDWG Resource Center

NHTDWG resource center contains recorded trainings, reports and guides on topics around the intersection of human trafficking and disability justice. Visit our resource center to learn more about how human trafficking impacts people with disabilities.
Recent Publications
NHTDWG Annual Report
2022 has been a busy year for the National Human Trafficking and Disabilities Working Group. We’ve worked on some exciting projects to bring awareness to the intersection of human trafficking and disability. The NHTDWG has brought together professionals and self advocates to host trainings and webinars about accessibility, unique aspects of human trafficking of people with disabilities, and how to better support survivors with disabilities. The Working Group has also consulted other organizations on their projects, and published a research study.
Please read the NHTDWG Annual Report to learn more about our impact and some of our biggest projects in 2022.
Read reportNational Data and Assessment Survey
In 2020, the National Human Trafficking and Disabilities Working Group conducted a National Data and Assessment Survey among service providers in the disability community, and service providers in the anti-trafficking community to learn more about the prevalence of individuals with disabilities who have experienced trafficking. NHTDWG wanted to learn if direct service providers were collecting data at the intersection of human trafficking and disabilities, and how providers were collecting such data. Furthermore, the Working Group wanted to find out if and how direct service providers were assessing for all forms of human trafficking and all forms of disability, and if screening for human trafficking and disabilities was a part of overall protocol or policy of service providers.
Survey results revealed, that the majority of disability providers responding to the survey do not have screening in place
for human trafficking, and less than half of anti-trafficking providers screen for disabilities. Furthermore, very little collaboration existed between human trafficking and disability service providers.
Report prepared by Sara Bovat, Jody Haskin, Jessica Hinman and Sari Latomaa.
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